Educational Resources
Safety & Emergency Tips for Cats
Keeping Kitty Safe
Emergencies can crash into us at any time, but thinking and planning ahead can help. Knowing what to do if your cat becomes ill or injured will help you confidently care for him or her.
Know what is normal.
Cats try to minimize injuries and hide illnesses. If you know how your cat usually acts, you will recognize subtle changes. Also, learning how to measure vital signs can help you assess your cat's status.
Provide routine care and a safe environment
"Cat-proof'' your home to limit dangers to cats including:
- Strings, ribbons, elastic cords, and bands that cats may swallow.
- Houseplants and cut flowers-especially Asiatic or oriental lilies
- Small toys, craft items, paper clips, coins, medications household chemicals, cleaners, paints, solvents.
While your cat may enjoy going outside, the outdoors holds many additional hazards.
An annual exam and preventive care from your veterinarian can prevent serious illness. Your veterinarian can help correct small problems before they become emergencies.
Is this an emergency?
Know the signs of serious illness or injury including:
- Unconsciousness, persistent convulsions, severe weakness, inability to walk
- Rapid or labored breathing, open mouth breathing, severe wheezing or cough
- Male cat unable to urinate/straining in litter box
- Severe bleeding or pain
- Any mauling by large dog or wildlife, even if cat appears OK
Not sure? Please call your veterinarian for guidance!
Handle with Care
A sick or injured cat may try to bite or scratch you, so you must protect yourself. Drape a folded blanket or large bath towel over the cat and gently bundle him. Keep the body straight and horizontal as much as possible. A box or carrier can be used to keep the cat safely confined for the trip to the vet.
First Aid for your Cat
Knowing how to stop bleeding, perform CPR, and provide other first aid can make a vital difference in an emergency, while you arrange for veterinary care. The Red Cross sells a first aid book online that may be helpful to review and have around just in case.
Know Where to Go
Know your veterinarian's hours and emergency policies. At Cats Exclusive we always accept emergencies during regular office hours for our patients. Just head in and let us know you are on your way (if possible). To review our hours and emergency centers closest to us click here.