Boarding Check-in

Boarding Check-in

At this time additional services (play packages, combing sessions, mini massages) may not be available during your cat's boarding stay. Rest assured, all kitties in our care receive daily love and attention. Thank you for your understanding.

By providing my phone number, I consent to receive SMS text messages from Cats Exclusive for appointment reminders, marketing messages, and general two-way communication. Msg frequency varies. Msg data rates may apply. Reply HELP for support. Reply STOP to opt out. Refer to our privacy policy and terms and conditions for more information.

Additional Services

At this time, we are only able to offer one additional service per day. If your cat(s) are staying multiple nights, you can choose one service per day, but please be aware that Play Packages are a daily package item and cannot be combined with massage or combing sessions.

Diets Available in Facility (select choice below):


Click here if there are no medications

Medication 1

Medication 2

Medication 3

Medication 4

Medication 5

Medication 6

Personal Belongings: (Toys, Carrier, etc)

Click here if no personal belongings to be left

*Bleach is used.

Terms of Agreement: We work to create a feline-friendly, safe, and comfortable boarding facility. However, being away from home is stressful for cats, and some boarders may develop symptoms related to this. These can include digestive upset, decreased appetite, sneezing and/or runny eyes, and sometimes worsening of pre-existing health conditions.

Cats in boarding facilities may also be exposed to infectious diseases. While vaccines protect cats from many serious viral infections, other contagious illnesses can still circulate in facilities where multiple cats are housed. We do follow stringent hygiene practices and your cat(s) will never have direct contact with another boarding or hospitalized cat.

With the above considerations, we do require your consent to perform medical evaluations and treatment, if needed, while your cat is boarding at Cats Exclusive. Common interventions include: use of appetite stimulants or anti-nausea medication, administration of stool softeners/lubricants, and specialized feeding protocols. If your cat develops a health concern while boarding, they will be assessed by the nursing/doctor team and we will make every attempt to reach you or your local emergency contact. In the event of a medical emergency, a staff veterinarian will provide immediate treatment as needed while we work to contact you. Please be aware you are responsible for the costs of these services, which can include transfer to an emergency veterinary facility if medically necessary.

By submitting this form you have read and understand Cats Exclusive boarding policies and fees.

Cat Friendly
Enviro Star Certified
Care Credit