Celebrate Happy Cat Month!
September 1, 2015

Hi! Sparky here, letting you know that September is declared Happy Cat Month. I look forward to this month all year long, 30 days dedicated to celebrating me. Other than Take Your Dog to Work Day, this is my favorite time of the year. What makes this a great month for me?
- More attention: Because I am a cat, I like to be the center of attention, but during Happy Cat Month I get even more. Petting, brushing, and extra playtimes are a few things that get me purring.
- A new toy: During this wonderful month a new toy will provide me with hours of entertainment. Perhaps this year I will get some treat-dispensing toys, wand toys, catnip, or that elusive red dot thing. Okay, maybe I won't get all of these toys but these are ideas that will help keep me from getting into trouble during the day.
- A trip to my favorite veterinarian: I know this doesn't sound like something I would be happy about, but an annual visit lets both of us know that I am healthy. Although I may have a bit to say on the way to the exam, I know that a check-up can lead to early diagnosis and effective treatment of an illness and will help keep me happy and healthy and I know that makes everyone happy.
- Learning something new: Every year, with help from my human, I learn a new trick. It's great! My human gets such a kick out of it and I get rewarded for demonstrating my skills. One year, I learned to sit for a treat. Who knows what I will learn this year, it could be anything! I saw a cat on the Internet that could play the drums. Don't be surprised if you see me in my own Internet video next year.
- An extra treat: If I am lucky and my trip to the veterinarian goes well, and they say I am at a healthy weight, I get an extra treat now and then just because I'm a happy, healthy cat! Usually, I have to work for treats by displaying good manners and sitting pretty or showcasing my new trick, but it is worth it! What I really like is when treats are hidden around the house and I get to "hunt" for them. It is exciting to find an unexpected treat. Usually, I have to search the rest of the house making sure that there are no other hidden surprises.
These are my favorite things about the month. Show your cat how happy they make you by giving them a little special attention and love during September.